Hummers and Ringers - Two very different PEMF therapy systems!

We all start the same ways when searching for answers to managing health and longevity, be it our own or that of the animals important in our lives. We discuss, chat, blog, query, surf, and generally end up with more questions than we started with. When it comes to PEMF therapies, equipment design, and practitioners, the information can become even less clear. This article is meant to assist with true understanding of the science and devices, without the brand bias.

Most people who start researching become confused for three reasons:

In spite of these factors, a great many of us have fought through the information, and now recognize that these energy devices have the ability to improve health enough for them to find ways to include PEMF in their normal routines.

What are Electromagnetic Devices?

ElectroMagnetic devices originate in two families. They are either immersive devices (hummers) or pulsed devices (ringers).  There are a few clues to help you sort them into different categories. Hummers and ringers work differently, and so have different effects. Now that we’ve got that straightened out – let's talk about electromagnetic device families…

It’s important to recognize the two different aspects of available Electromagnetic Therapy Devices:

The first thing we’ll do is help you figure out what kind of device you’re looking for. It’s the difference between the “hummers” and the “ringers”. Unfortunately, the medical community places all types of electromagnetic therapy under the category “PEMF”. Resonant “ringer” device manufacturers use the word  “pulsed”, as in pulsed electromagnetic device, because the device sends a single burst of multiple waveforms through an area in rhythmic intervals (pulses). Immersive “hummer” electromagnetic devices send a continuous, tuned wave directly to the target cellular type. Pulsed devices utilize the concept of frequency because they tune to a specific pulsed frequency to activate one or more energetic structures.

A true Pulsed Electromagnetic Device will usually answer yes to all these.

So, let’s talk about true pulsed systems now – or “Ringers.”

The “Ringers”

To help with sorting, we’re going to create some filter questions for Pulsed “Ringer” Devices:

A true Pulsed Electromagnetic Device will usually answer yes to all these.

So, let’s talk about true pulsed systems now – or “Ringers.”

A “ringer” pulse is an individual event, like a blast, triggered as a sudden release of energy. Here is what a pulsed waveform tends to look like.  Note that this is a single event.  The ups-and-downs are echoes that happen when energy bounces around the antenna before it leaves. Think of the waves formed when you do a cannonball dive into a body of water. An initial surge, followed by diminishing ripples, until the next “cannonball”, that is.

EM Pulse Data

Pulse events tend to make items resonate at their own, specificfrequency.  Think about ringing a bell – you hit the bell and itrings.  The hit is the pulse, and the ringing that happens – is atthe frequency defined by the bell. Different shapes andconfigurations of each bell produce unique tones (frequencies) forthat specific bell.  So if you graph a ring – there’s the hit –and then the ring.   The frequency of the ring comes from the entitythat received the energy. Pulsed Magnetic Devices – make cells ringat their own frequency.  Cells are like bells, and the harmonicmovement produced through this method can improve cellular metabolismand energy.

The “Hummers”

Now, to figure out if it is a Immersive “Hummer” Device:

A true Resonant Device that produces a waveform instead of a pulsewill usually answer yes to all these.

Resonant (hummer) devices are most easily explained with a picture. These represent the waveforms produced by different resonant devices.The amount of time it takes for one complete waveform is called theperiod, and the number of cycles per second is called the frequency.The shapes of the waves reflect the waveform. Sometimes these deviceswill “sweep,” which is to go from one frequency to another –but they always output a repeating signal. The characteristics thatcharacterize resonant devices around a particular frequency. Thesetuned magnetic fields immerse the targeted cells at the cell’scharacteristic frequency.

Oscillating Wave Forms

Resonance Transmissibility

The “Big Question”

So, now, the real question: which is better? As dogs are poor at catching mice, cats are poor at keeping foxes out of the chicken house,  but both are called “animals”. There are two different categories of PEMF devices, and they are as different as cats and dogs,but because both use an electro-magnetic field to trigger physiological effects, they are considered “PEMF” devices. Like with “animals”, the characteristic of the field defines the effect. Resonant and Plasma Discharge fields are very different in character, and therefore effect. The performance and cost of each device suits different needs. So, both are valuable.  Resonant devices (hummers) tend to fit health-maintenance and symptom management, while pulsed Plasma Discharge Devices (ringers) tend to be better suited to soft tissue repair and pain management applications.

The basic question boils down to “Which is better?” Well, that’s an unfair question, and it depends on the problem which the device is being used to resolve. Here are some guidelines:

Pulsed Device (Ringer)
Resonant Device (Hummer)
Health Maintenance
Very Good
Very Good
Injury Healing
Very Good
Very Good
Pain Management
Very Good
Muscle Rejuvenation
Very Good
Very Good